Transmissions: Fact or Faked

Fact or Faked takes the “Scully” approach to the paranormal, questioning the validity of an event. Whether dealing with extraterrestrials or ghosts the team seeks the truth. The Fact or Faked team take a page from the Ghost Hunters playbook and look into a spooky specter trying to determine if it is real or an elaborate hoax.

In Fact or Faked, the team enters an abandoned building and starts to let a potential ghost named Timmy know that they’re there while and takes pictures. They tell the spirit to move a ball to let them know that the spirit is there and suddenly the ball starts to eerily move slowly across the floor in multiple directions. They leave the ball there in hopes to find more action. Be sure to tune in on Wednesday at 10/9c on Syfy to see if they’re able to find the same amount of activity in other parts of the building!

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