E.V.A.-Motor City Comic Con at the Suburban Collection Showcase

Convention season is underway and it is time for Motor City Comic Con. Established in 1989, Motor City has grown into a massive pop culture event for the whole family. When we arrived at the Suburban Collection Showcase we were blown away by just how many cars were in the lots and how many overflow lots were needed. Some of the lots were so far away that shuttle buses were provided to get people to the main building.

This year’s Motor City Comic Con had an incredible guest list, artists and actors that offered something for everyone. Two of the greatest franchises were represented with William Shatner, Denise Crosby, Gates McFadden, Jennifer Morrison and Bruce Greenwood from Star Trek. From Star Wars there was Katie Sackhoff, John Ratzenberger, Simon Kassianides, Giancarlo Esposito and Paul Sun-Hyung Lee. I am surprised there wasn’t a rumble in the parking lot between red shirts and Sith lords.  Bat’leths vs. Lightsabers at dawn!

Motor City Comic Con did do a bit of rearranging this year putting the celebrity guest on the right side of the hall and artist’s alley to the left. It appeared to me that the celebrity guest side was also a bit larger than previous years. I felt like the dealer’s area also received a slight expansion. I just wish I would have had a little more time to shop, maybe next year.

Something that I was so happy to see were replicas of the Batmobile and Bat Boat from the 1960’s television show, Batman, starring Adam West and Burt Ward. I had only seen the Batmobile once before at Big Apple Con in New York back in the 1990’s. While the first time I saw the Batmobile was nothing more than a quick 20 second lingering glance; this time was able to take photos of the interior.

One of my favorite things about cons is the cosplay. Over the years I have seen some amazing costumes. Some of the outfits are so elaborate and beautiful while some look so uncomfortable (in the Venn diagram of cosplay there is some overlap there). These people who make their costumes have a level of dedication that is most impressive. I was pleased to see quite a few Starfleet uniforms wandering the floor, they are usually few and far between.

This year’s Motor City Comic Con did not disappoint. As always I enjoyed myself. The staff  are very helpful not just to the press but to the fans as well. If you are free on Sunday, there is still time to stop by Motor City Comic Con which runs on Sunday from 10-5.

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