Transmissions: Paranormal Witness

Syfy is your destination on Wednesday for things that go bump in the night. On this week’s Paranormal Witness a family deals with strange happenings that have even the parents spooked. Also this week police chase a strange object. Could it be Alien in origin?

Check out these clips:

In the first, a family talks about odd events that often happen in the upstairs bedroom and hallway at night. The parents experience odd tugging of bed sheets, hear whispers during the night and their closet door is constantly being opened and terrifies their baby boy even after its been tied shut.

In the second Paranormal Witness sneak peek, the Trumball County police department chases after an unidentified object in the sky but seem to have trouble making out exactly what it is. Terrified over the sightings, one officer finally makes it to the top of an old radio tower and makes a alarming discovery. Be sure to watch the clip and tune in to watch as the breakthrough unfolds.

Tune into Paranormal Witness Wednesday night at 10pm only on Syfy.

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