Hard Copy: The Thorn and the Blossom

I must admit that while I have read many romance novels, it has always been as an act of desperation. I find most of the books in this genre to be only slightly better than daytime television; with the characters and situations equally unbelievable as the ones you seen on talk shows.

The Thorn and the Blossom doesn’t fall into the same category as these romance novels. The main differences being that there are no heaving bosoms or tear-away clothing. Instead this is a very believable story about two people you could meet any day in your everyday life that happen to meet, fall in love, and part again. There is a suggestion of a fantasy backstory for the two main characters, but it is never brought to the forefront of the relationship. I found it very refreshing to read a romance story that concentrates on the interaction of the couple, not the contrived situation they have put themselves into.


The book itself has an accordion-style binding, with one side of the book telling Evelyn’s prospective, and the other side telling Brendan’s. Not being male, I’m not sure how realistic the personification of Brendan’s story is, but I did enjoy reading it. The binding style makes the book a little hard to read at first, but it doesn’t take long to get used to holding the book so it doesn’t fall apart in your hands, and I really like the box the book is packaged in.


All in all, the Thorn and the Blossom is a good book for a relaxing afternoon read. It is a good story that is short enough that you can read it one sitting, instead of having to find time to devote to a long, drawn-out story line. I would recommend this book to all those people who want a little romance in their lives, but have no interest in the bulging pantaloons.

The Thorn and the Blossom is published by Quirk Books and will be available on January 17th. The Thorn and the Blossom is 82 pages.

-Mary Biller

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