Training Simulations: All-New Adventure Awaits Players in STAR TREK: THE VIDEO GAME

A brand-new Star Trek story awaits players of Star Trek: The Star_Trek__The_Video_GameVideo Game which is available on Tuesday April 23, for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC. Written by BAFTA-award-winning writer Marianne Krawczyk, it whisks players into the heart of an adventure that takes place in the time between 2009’s blockbuster film Star Trek and the upcoming Star Trek: Into Darkness.

In a new video feature released today by Paramount Pictures, STAR TREK: THE VIDEO GAME executive producer Brian Miller delves deeper into this rich, exciting story and examines the plot that awaits players.

STAR TREK: THE VIDEO GAME goes on sale Tuesday, and pre-orders are being accepted through Monday. Find out more details about pre-ordering and about STAR TREK: THE VIDEO GAME by visiting or following @star_trek_game on Twitter.

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